Dual-Line Lubrication Systems
Dual-Line systems are most noticeable for their robust dependability and their incredible pumping distance. If one was interested in buying a lubrication system for life a dual-line system will certainly outlast any other alternative on the market. The initial investment is higher than most other systems, however, a majority of the cost is tied into the pump and the controller. Once a the essentials are purchased then the customer can easily expand in the future up to 1000 lubrication points.
Dual-Line systems can pump incredibly long distances and service a large amount of lubrication points. Some of the most common industries that take advantage of Dual line systems include Steel Manufacturing, Food and Beverage Manufacturers, and the Pulp and Paper Industry to name a few but any large scale operation stands to benefit from the robustness of an SKF dual-line lubrication system.
Strengths Weaknesses:
Very Long Pumping Ranges Expensive to monitor every injector
Easily Expandable System Not Suited for Small Scale Operations
Tamper Proof Metering Devices
Can Service a Large # of Points
Incredibly Reliable